Peter-Jan Wagemans: Fantasia super 721 (orgel)
Toshio Hosokawa: Duo (1999) (viool, cello)
Kaija Saariaho: Offrande (vc, orgel)
Chiristian Wolff: Peace March (snare drum))
Paul Pankert: Wasser (fl-bfl, orgel, elektronica)
Rutger Muller: Imperfect Garden (vl, vc, fl, perc, elektronica
Marcel Verheggen, orgel
Aaron Wohlharn, fluit
Paul Pankert, viool, live-elektronica
Eline Hensels, cello
Jan van den Boomen, percussion
Paul Pankert, Rutger Muller, live-elektronica
When we think of "Exodus", we spontaneously think of words such as flight, homeland, danger, sacrifice, war....... Inspired by these concepts, Ensemble88 presents a very various programme in which powerful works in combination with the organ alternate with silent, almost subtle compositions.
Naast werken van de bekende componisten Kaija Saariaho, Christian Wolff, Toshio Hosokawa en Peter-Jan Wagemans staat ook een nieuwe compositie op het programma van de jonge Maastrichtse componist Rutger Muller, die bekend is vanwege zijn elektro-akoestische, bijna meditatieve klanken.
The composition Wasser by Paul Pankert came about as a result of the flood disaster in July 2021 in his native region of East Belgium, where there were many deaths and many people had to flee from their homes.